In the United States
18% of electricity is used for lighting, plus another 5% more to remove the heat generated by lights.
Average Office Building Overhead Costs
- Lighting: 35%
- Space Cooling: 16%
- Office Equipment: 12%
- Refrigeration: 9%
- Other: 9%
- Ventilation: 8%
- Space Heating: 6%
- Water Heating: 4%
- Cooking: 1%
Savings Potential
Lighting controls can reduce costs by up to 65%, at an energy savings of .05-.20/sq. ft.
- Open Offices: 20-29%
- Private Offices: 13-50%
- Conference Rooms: 21-65%
How Much Could You Save?
How to calculate your potential cost savings per room:
- Step 1: Start with the sq. ft. area of the room
- Step 2: Multiply x 3,000 hrs. of operation/year
- Step 3: Multiply x estimated % time unoccupied
- Step 4: Multiply x 1.5 Watts/sq. ft.
- Step 5: Multiply x national average cost/kwh (.1074 cents)*
- Step 6: Multiply x .001 = estimated $ savings/year
*Commercial price comparison