Office Lighting Maker Rolls Out Re-branding and New Product – GRBJ

A maker of lighting products for the office environment is rolling out its re-branded identity at NeoCon — as part of its “sharpened focus” on task lighting and shift toward design-centric products.

LightCorp in Grand Haven announced this week that it has completed a re-branding effort and is debuting a new website in support of its new identity. It is also debuting its newest product this week.

Grand Rapids-based Full Circle Marketing created the new website and identity.

Visitors to LightCorp’s new website will find a completely re-designed user experience that is “easy to navigate” and provides a “virtual-showroom-type experience.”

“Intentional” transition

Kyle Verplank, GM of LightCorp, said the company is making a transition as it celebrates its 30th anniversary.

“Our new identity and our new products represent an intentional move toward being a more design-centric organization, where innovation, form and function come together as one,” he said.

Verplank said LightCorp underwent a management team re-set last year, along with a strategic review of its portfolio, which led the company to close down its industrial lighting business and focus solely on task lighting.

Verplank is in Chicago this week for NeoCon, a commercial interiors trade show, where LightCorp is unveiling the first of its new task-lighting products, which Verplank said is representative of the company’s new direction.

Amble, by designer Stephan Copeland, is LightCorp’s first battery-powered light and was created with mobility in mind.

“It is designed and intended to move around very freely,” Verplank said. “You can move it within a workstation or a conference room table or a collaborative space, and it gives you a lot of different range in terms of how you can use it versus a conventional, fixed task light.”

Light and office well-being

Verplank said the shift toward more open and collaborative spaces within the work environment has changed the way lighting needs to be delivered.

“The need for quality lighting has not changed,” he said. “What has changed is the methodology in which to deliver quality light. There is a shift from lighting as an accessory to being a necessity, which is a conversation that we are excited to participate in.”

He also noted lighting has become part of the “well-being story” and is another trend LightCorp is focusing on as it designs new products.

“The wellness story now includes the surrounding environmental systems, like lighting and temperature controls, which can impact worker productivity by influencing circadian rhythms,” Verplank said.

He said a person’s physical and mental well-being are tied to lighting, as lighting impacts a person’s mental capacity, mood and energy.

Verplank said as a result of the focus by furniture makers on well-being, he expects to see greater opportunities for lighting products to be integrated into the next generation of furniture systems.

Verplank said LightCorp customers can expect to see more product development and more frequent product releases, as well as more momentum related to the changing needs of the market going forward.

“When you look at the changing office environment, customization, agility, all those things the contract furniture manufacturers deal with, we are no different,” he said. “We need to stay relevant — speed to market, fresh products, innovation.”